Millet box mini version how to measure speed network speed easy to know

The millet box is one of the most popular TV boxes nowadays. The mini version of the millet box is highly favored by consumers for its compact and stylish appearance and high-end performance. Millet box mini version is also in need of stable network performance support. Millet box mini version how to measure the speed? Xiao Bian introduced the millet box mini version of the speed query method, so that everyone can easily know the millet box mini version speed.

Millet box mini version

Millet box mini version has its own network speed function, the operation method is as follows:

1. Use the remote control to select the millet box setting option in the millet box mini version.

Millet box mini version settings

2. On the Settings page, select the first network connection. When the network is connected, the name of the network connection is displayed on this module.

Millet box mini version network connection

3, in the connection settings page, we can detect the state of the network to detect the network connection status or disconnection reasons. The network speed can also be detected. The mini version of the millet box will recommend the viewable video definition.

Millet box mini version how to measure the speed

Millet box mini version how to measure the speed

Millet box mini version how to measure the speed

The millet box mini version net speed is very simple, in addition to this method, users can also download third-party speed measurement software for speed testing.

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