Top 10 technologies that the Internet of Things needs to break through in the next two years

Recently, Gartner released a report on the top 10 IoT technologies in the next two years. Some of these technical directions are familiar, such as security, big data analysis, but some look very interesting. Let's take a look at what the TOP 10 Internet of Things technologies need to break through.

Security - The Internet of Things is an important development direction in the future, and hackers and criminals are full of interest in all emerging areas and trends, so companies need appropriate security capabilities to protect their investments.

Big Data Analytics - IoT endpoints are capable of collecting large amounts of information, so the necessary big data analytics tools can turn data into more valuable insights.

Management - Obviously, management tools are essential to ensure the proper functioning of a large number of IoT devices. Monitoring, conflict detection, software updates, firmware updates, and more are all inseparable from management.

Low-Power, Short-Range IoT Networks-Gartner said, "In 2025, low-power short-range networks will dominate wireless IoT connectivity, far beyond the wide-area Internet of Things. Network connection."

Low-Power (Wide-Area Networks) - can achieve coverage of large-area Internet of Things, with long-distance, low power consumption, low operating costs and so on.

Processors - Choosing the right processor means a huge difference, because the processor can solve problems such as encryption, low power, operating system support, etc., so that the Internet of Things will work better.

Operating System - Today's operating systems are not designed for IoT devices, and future considerations should be given to how to support low-power memory and power supplies.

The platform- platform provides a range of infrastructure components for a single product.

Standards and Ecosystems - Although these two terms are not the technology itself, standards and ecosystems are important for interoperability between different IoT devices.

Nick Jones, senior analyst of Gartner Vice President, pointed out that "the Internet of Things covers a wide range of new technologies and capabilities, which must be controlled by many companies." "The current theme of the development of the Internet of Things market is actually no stranger to it. It is the provider still unable to provide mature technology and services; the risk derived from the immature infrastructure has become the biggest obstacle for enterprises to expand the Internet of Things; at the same time, the lack of technical capabilities is one of the most obvious challenges.” Nick Jones emphasized .

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