New Generation Sex Robot "Harmony" Available Remembering Master Hobby

[April 19, Netease News] Abyss Creations, a manufacturer of sex doll Realdoll, hopes that you can fall in love with its humanoid robot. This American toy factory that claims to be a Rolls Royce industry has been studying robot sex dolls. Hopefully, They form "a real emotional bond" with their owners.

The company released Harmony AI, a smart app that provides a "brain" for sex dolls and can connect with humans. This application was developed by Abyss subsidiary Realbotix, and users can interact with their sex dolls through their own voice. According to Cnet, users can also create a personalized artificial intelligence for their dolls through the application.

According to Abyss, artificial intelligence applications for sex dolls will be able to learn from the user and “create an intimate analog emotional relationship”. Harmony AI also allows users to create a personalized 3D model. Due to Apple and Google App Store restrictions, users must download the app directly from the Realbotix website. It requires a subscription fee of $20 (US$16) per year and is available only to Android phone users.

The company also released a sex doll called Harmony 2.0 (meaning "harmony"). She has a Scottish accent and can set 18 different personality traits, including "shy" and "sexy."

In a video, Matt McCullen, chief executive of Abyss Creations, asks sex toy Harmony 2.0:

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New Generation Sex Robot Harmony Launches Built-in AI Application (Source: Netease User)

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"How do you feel about sex?"

Harmony 2.0 replied: Sex is one of the most attractive things in the world. I don't think there is anything wrong with this.

This sex doll, like the application, has a "continuous memory" that allows her to establish a good relationship with her master and remember things about them. In an interview with the Daily Star, McCully pointed out that the idea of ​​developing sex robots is to help people find a close partnership that cannot be realized. You can say to her, "I'm hungry, I'm What to eat?” She would say: “You told me that pizza is your favorite food, maybe you should eat a piece of pizza,” so once the robot has implemented many functions, you can connect artificial intelligence with the robot.

This lifelike silicone doll has a built-in flexible skeleton. The manufacturing process takes about 80 hours of work, and even custom genitals and face can be customized. The standard sex doll has 18 female body types, or 2 male body types to choose from. The starting price is $6,500, and the customized version starts at $12,000.

(English source / dailmail compiler / machine Xiaoyi proof / æ™— ice)


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