Analysis: VR game developers profit channel

For game developers without sponsors, they must face a very real problem when developing new products. Where does the money for paying bills come from?

1 direct charge

Analysis: VR game developers profit channel

Most platforms will explicitly price the program provided by the developer, and users will have to pay for each download of an app. This is the simplest and straightforward method, but it also has some drawbacks. First, it's hard to let users spend $5, $10, or $20 to buy an unknown app, which requires developers to spend more money creating demos and tutorials. Secondly, the VR game industry is highly competitive, and developers must constantly improve their own apps.

2 Lite / Full version

Analysis: VR game developers profit channel

This model requires the developer to create two parts of the application. The first is a free, streamlined version that lets users know about the app as a reference to see if it's worth the money. After the full version is released, users who like this app can spend money to experience better results in the game. "Frank" to the user in advance, there is a fatal flaw, once the application does not match the player's taste, his online comments will kill your full version in the cradle.

3 in-app purchases

Analysis: VR game developers profit channel

Finally, the in-app purchase profit model, also known as virtual currency. Simply put, users are allowed to spend real money to buy virtual currency such as gold coins and diamonds. The developer can set the difficulty factor of the game to a higher level. In order to complete the task, the player has to spend money to buy some props, gold coins and so on. Another benefit of virtual currency is that it rewards users. At present, there is no platform to implement virtual currency, but this model has appeared in many mobile games and video games cities. I believe this model will greatly promote the future of VR games.

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